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Gartner ThinkCast

Nov 27, 2018

Customers are the lifeblood of our organizations, but chances are, your organization is not customer-centric. Find out how to truly put your customers first -- both today and in the future. 

Nov 20, 2018

Data drives every organization, but that does not mean your organization is data driven. Find out how to organize, process and even speak data to gain the maximum benefits of your information.

Nov 13, 2018

Digital transforms every organization, but to reap the full benefits, they need their IT leaders to transform into digital leaders. Find out how to step up and drive business value in your organization.

Nov 6, 2018

Every organization is disrupted by digital, but very few become true digital disruptors. Find out how to turn digital into your advantage, no matter your size or location.

Nov 1, 2018

You spoke, we listened, so get ready for the new Gartner ThinkCast -- an expanded format designed to give you more insights and advice on the topics that most impact your agenda -- all crafted to better fit your busy schedule and your commute or business travel.